1995 ford ranger 4.0l 5spd Prerunner PROJECT! Ca plated FRONT giant 6" over beams with plated radius arms. Duel crossover steering Willwood 4 piston breaks Fabricated pitman arm Solid steering King2.5 bumps Front half frame plated Auto fab motor mounts and trans mount Onx6 30in light bar New grill New headlights Plated front half of frame Stock dash custom made REAR New fuel system Duel bosch 044 pumps 40gal fuel safe fuel cell Earl fittings and filters 48in links X6 dirty life beadlocks 5x5.5 Trophy truck sway bar arms yellow top optima battery King 2.5 bump stops 9in 3rd member unknown gearing Aluminum panels Tig welded luggage rack 9in rear housing new 35spline axles. X1 nrg seat 1.75 dom mig and tig Tons of small parts also to go with Have fiberglass hood fenders and bedsides Asking 12k
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