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Ford F450 DIesel 4x4

2008 Ford F450$22,000.00
For Sale

Tucson, AZ
 Tim Carolan   Private Message
 (520)349-5782   (520)349-5782

4x4 Diesel 100,000 miles on truck, 22,000 miles on new Ford 6.4 turbo, 11000 watt ARC generator, welder, air compressor, chase rack, front & rear lights, lighted boxes, tool box, storage bins, good tires, pulls great. Excellent chase truck.
Also have a 5 car available to sell as a package deal all for $40,000 see ad in race dez for 5 car.

    Off Road Vehicles   Listing #215827   Posted: Feb 13 Expires: Mar 25