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2020 Lonestar Canam

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2020 Canam X3$50,000.00
For Sale

Canyon Lake, CA

Lonestar Tube Chasis Car
WIllwood Brakes
Shock Therapy Rack
Canam Factory Front Diff
Sommer Bros axels and sway parts
Factory Fox shocks (Not UTV Shocks) SDG (Comes with 1 Test day)
PCI Radio
Baja lights
Alternator kit
3 Full size optima batteries
Alsup +2 kit
Sparco Seats
PCI Pumper (2)
CBR Radiator
35 Gallon Fuel cell (200 mile range)
Comes with spare parts and some extra wheels
2020 package but was built later into 2020 when done

    UTV   Listing #215218   Posted: Jan 15 Expires: Feb 25